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Henry’ portfolio

I choose this words about school vocabulary that I am using in some classes ,and the other words are about something that I like.



I chose this project  beacuse I am proud of made my own T-shirt with my own ideas.

This project   is the most challenging for me because it was little hard a lot work.

This tought me most because  I learned how put a video at WordPress.

   My life , and school were pretty cool    before 10 week ago.  That was cool because at school  everything was more cool that now . That now because now I have too much work to do everyday in every single class. Also in my life because  now I want to do another things , but I never have time to do that. One of my hobbies is  singer because i like it.

     I love this class. I enjoy every time I came because I learned a lot things here. Also because  I have a nice grade.  I guess I am doing very well. My favorite  part of this class is that we make  new things. My least favorite part is when we made a lot things in short time.

     Looking forward I want to learned everything I mean the most that I can. My goal for the semester is pass this class, and  all my classes with  “A”. I would like to learn in this ten more weeks how created  more poster.  I am looking for be a nice person using the compucter. Also I am  looking for  a better life doing this.

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